Restoring access to abortion

My stance on abortion and reproductive rights is one of unyielding support for bodily autonomy, reproductive justice, and liberation for all. Access and freedom to abortion care should be acknowledged as a fundamental right. We must repeal the state’s abortion ban and offer free, legal, and safe abortions to anyone at any time. I will fight for comprehensive reproductive health care that goes beyond mere access to abortion. This includes affordable and barrier-free access to contraception, prenatal care, STI testing and treatment, miscarriage management, and infertility services. Reproductive healthcare is not a privilege reserved for the wealthy; it is a basic human right that must be guaranteed for all.

Fully-funding public schools

Fully funding schools is not merely an investment in buildings and resources — it’s an investment in the future of our society, economy, and democracy. Fully funding schools means providing adequate resources for smaller class sizes, well-paid and supported teachers and staff, up-to-date textbooks and technology, extracurricular programs, and support services for students with diverse needs. This includes access to healthcare, counseling, nutrition programs, and after-school programs that enrich their educational experience and help them thrive both inside and outside the classroom. Our democracy and future depends on it.

Defending lgbtq+ tennesseans

LGBTQ+ rights are human rights, and I stand firmly in solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community in the fight for equality, dignity, and inclusion. Every individual, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression, deserves to live authentically and without fear of discrimination or violence. I will advocate for the full protection and recognition of LGBTQ+ rights and support policies that protect the rights of transgender and gender-nonconforming individuals, including access to gender-affirming healthcare, legal recognition of gender identity, and protection from discrimination and violence. As well as intersectionality, marriage equality, and inclusive education that promotes understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ identities.

legalizing cannabis

Cannabis legalization in the United States is not just a matter of personal freedom — it’s a critical step towards addressing systemic injustices, promoting public health, and bolstering our economy. Prohibition has disproportionately targeted communities of color, leading to mass incarceration and perpetuating cycles of poverty and disenfranchisement. Legalization is an opportunity to right these wrongs. Regulating and taxing cannabis can generate significant revenue for vital public services, from education and healthcare to infrastructure and social programs. By redirecting resources away from enforcement and towards harm reduction strategies, we can better address substance abuse and addiction through evidence-based interventions and treatment programs.

fighting for climate justice

Placing focus on balancing the state’s economic development with environmental protection, especially given the state’s reliance on industries like agriculture and tourism. I’ll lead on initiatives like infrastructure such as renewable energy, public transportation and active transit, and green building to mitigate the impact of the climate crisis in Tennessee. We must also recognize that climate change does not affect all communities in the same way. I will seek to fight the climate crisis head-on, pushing for comprehensive reform that addresses these pressing issues equatibly and with the urgency it requires. East Tennessee is full of natural beauty – it’s a constant reminder to me of what's at stake if we don't do something to tackle the climate crisis.

Ending gun violence

Tennesseans demand a bold and unwavering stance on gun control that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all communities over outdated notions of unrestricted firearm access. It’s time to confront the epidemic of gun violence head-on by implementing sweeping measures that fundamentally transform our approach to gun ownership. I will advocate for reduced firearm violence by employing measures of common sense in the legislature including background checks, red flag laws, and restricting high capacity magazines and assault weapons. Investing in mental health services and community-based violence intervention programs to address the root causes of firearm violence.